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Less Minor Tweaks

Isak Bloom |

After some deliberation, I’ve rewritten the second half of

1-001-04; the rewrite is ultimately not that substantial, but I felt it was necessary.

Comments will re-open sometime next week at the earliest.

No further news as of right now! Next update should be coming soon, but I make no promises.

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Apologies — comments are temporarily closed. They will re-open as soon as I find a stable or self-hosted solution for static-site comment systems.

In the meantime, you may comment on the

ScribbleHub mirror or the SufficientVelocity mirror; if you're commenting on a blog post, rather than a story update, please kindly link the post in question so others (including me) have some idea of what you're responding to.

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The Bitter Drop © 2014–2023, Isak Bloom; licensed under

